sunnuntai 28. elokuuta 2011

En vaan voi jatkaa näin

Instead of getting on a scale let an outfit be your guide to skinny. Break out a tiny little outfit and lose enough weight to fit into it then lose more weight until that outfit becomes baggy on you.
  1. Eat Breakfast
  2. Drink coffee (no more then 2 cups with a small amount of honey and low fat milk).
  3. Eat seafood
  4. Eat loads of vegetables and fruit to fill yourself up during every meal.
  5. Wear a lacing corset to slim your waist.
  6. Devour anything that helps you lose weight, for example, cough drops, hoodia or fiber.
  7. Never eat pass 6:00pm or 4 hours before you go to sleep.
  8. Learn to fast: To Learn Click Here…
  9. Read this article: (10 tips for weight loss)
  10. If you feel like eating watch a gory horror movie like Hostel 2. Click Here for Hostel 2.
  11. Find out how your celebrity thinspiration lost weight or how he or she stays fit
  12. Choose thinspiration with the same body type
  13. Do cardio for 30-60 minutes 6 days a week
  14. Choose a cardio you love
  15. Make sure your workout challenges you
  16. Use ephedra to reduce body fat especially if you’re a gurl
  17. Change your workout weekly to confuse your muscles
  18. Learn how to workout via personal trainer, youtube or DVD.
  19. workout twice a day
  20. Don’t be too hard on yourself
  21. Have faith that all your hard work will pay off if you don’t give up too soon.
  22. Understand that you didn’t gain weight over night so you won’t lose weight over night
  23. Get a workout buddy
  24. Chose a thinspiration that has your body type
  25. Buy diet pills that has great customer feed back like ephedra.
  26. Watch your thinspiration any chance you can.
  27. Information on how to Binge, take Laxatives and DiureticsClick Here!
  28. Learn about weight cutting (click here)
  29. Find out what a girl must have to keep the fat off (Click here to read the List
  30. Studies have shown that people that eat all the same food gets board of eating the same foods thus eating less so eat the same food and bore your way to skinny!
  31. Drink lots of H2o even when your not thursty for water helps your body burn more calories by preventing you from storing fat
  32. Stop eating dairy, especially milk and buy soy or coconut or make your own milk)
  33. Since the body burns water all through the night, it’s a good idea to drink a glass before going to bed and one when you rise in the morning. In fact, if you want to wake up quickly, down a glass of ice water while you’re brewing your morning coffee.

Mä olen liikaa ja samaan aikaan yhtä tyhjän kanssa. Mä haluan onnistua edes jossain. En saa mitään aikaiseksi. Yksi vähistä kavereistakin on alkanut heittää läppää siitä miten läski mä oon. Tahdon pois täältä. Haluan vajota maan alle ja kadota.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Ei, ei, ei, ei. Älä aloita tätä, tulet katumaan sitä. Sinä kelpaat juuri tuollaisena, ja se on totta vaikka klisee.
